Can You Really Lose Weight With Acai Berry? Finally! The Truth About Destroying Fat With Acai

Who else wants to know if you can really lose weight on an acai berry diet? if you are anything like the vast majority of people who read our articles and comment on our content, the simple truth is that you are interested in acai for one primary purpose....and that is to lose weight, right? It's true....and as we head closer and closer to the warm Spring and Summer months, more and more people are turning to the magical, mysterious and intriguing Amazonian super fruit to help them fight fat, burn fat and literally cleanse the fat from within their bodies.

But can you really lose weight with this super purple fruit, or is it all simply another fad diet destined to gather dust as yet another in a long line of silly diet scams?


Good question, and one that simply needs to be asked. Why? Well for one, there are far too many outrageous ads for acai products, and learning the truth is one slender ( but important) step to finally getting the body that you so desperately crave ( and deserve!)

Here are the true FACTS about acai berry diets, and what you should expect when you begin one:

- Acai is proven to provide an amazing influx of energy to many people almost instantly, and this often provides the impetus for more activity, exercise and associated metabolic improvement.

- Some Acai Products have a far higher track record for super fast fat loss than others. One of the primary products WE recommend has a proven, clinical trial improvement in weight loss results of 450% over simple diet and exercise alone.

- Acai is naturally high in fiber, Omega 6's and other essential ingredients....which plays a significant role in it's "cleansing" effect, which helps eliminate swollen and bloated areas from your body that are resistant to ordinary diet. (this is a large part of the reason you will often see it marketed as a delicious detox agent, rather than for dieting or energy purposes)

- Acai is super high in Anti-Oxidants and Free Radical Fighting Compounds - this is the BIGGEST reason this little purple fruit has become so popular, and the most exciting part of it's amazing array of health benefits to boot. But for weight loss....this is actually last on the list of important qualities, even though for your overall health and wellness, it SHOULD be number #1!

Can You Really Lose Weight With Acai Berry? Finally! The Truth About Destroying Fat With Acai

Bonus Tip: Beware of the Acai Berry Scams! Unfortunately, many of the acai berry products on the market are scams, being sold by unscrupulous companies with one hand in your pocket, rather than out to help you heal. My best advice? If you really want to experience the amazing benefits of the berry, make sure you ONLY buy authentic acai berry juice or extract.

(This is the one that we use, and recommend to our family, friends and readers alike)

Good luck, and happy healing!