More Fruit Constipation Remedies - Part II

Here are some more constipation remedies using fruits. Try to get your organic fruits and eat them as soon as possible. The longer you keep fruits, without using them, the less enzymes and nutrients they have.



Apricots are one of most nutritious fruits since they are high in fiber, vitamin A, C, potassium, and have many other minerals. One apricot has around 1000 IU of vitamin A. This vitamin is mainly in the form of the precursor beta-carotene.

Apricots have a laxative effect and are usually available during the summer. Dried apricots are also good and are much higher in vitamin A and in minerals.

Use dried apricots that have not been dried with sulfur dioxide. Some people are allergic to sulfur dioxide and it is considered a pollutant that is found in our air. This chemical is a preservative that prevents apricots from turning brown.

If you have an ulcer, eating apricots with sulfur dioxide can increase your stomach acid and aggravate it.

Avocado with Apple Cider Vinegar and Lemon

Here's a recipe that will make you go to the bathroom in a couple of hours.

Peel 1-2 avocados
Add a little sea salt
3-4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (to taste)
1-2 tablespoons of lemon (to taste)
Mix all together and spread on your favorite crackers
Have a good time eating

Yes, avocados are high in fat but they contain fat that is good for you, monounsaturated. In 4 oz., half of an avocado contains 500mg of potassium and folate.


Bananas are rich in potassium. They assist in healing open wounds in the interior body membranes. They are helpful in stopping diarrhea and at the same time in promoting bowel movements.

Eat two bananas on an empty stomach followed by a glass of distilled water. After your constipation is cleared, eat only one banana each day.


Blue berries can act as a laxative for some people despite its use to stop diarrhea. These berries have chemicals, anthocyanosides that can kill bacteria and viruses

Blueberries are also good for reducing inflammation. This makes them good for inflammations that occur all along the gastrointestinal tract.


Boysenberry juice has a gentle natural laxative action on your bowel. When your constipation is not extra serious this juice will help move things in your colon.


Cantaloupe is one of best fruits you can eat. It contains many minerals and has Vitamin A and C. It is high in potassium. It has plenty of fiber and is useful for constipation.


Cherries are high in potassium, fiber, and many other minerals, which are effective in neutralizing body acid. They contain vitamins B-1, B-2, folic acid and niacin.

Cherries have a laxative effect and can start peristaltic action.

Eat fresh cherries throughout the day or drink 3 glasses, 8 oz, of cherry juice during the day. Buy cherry juice in glass container. Eating and drinking cherries like this has kept me from having constipation. Cherries are usually only available during the summer, but you can buy cherry juice anytime.

Dried cherries can also be used except the can be expensive.
Use these fruits mention as constipation remedies and at the same time gain the benefits of their nutritional value.

More Fruit Constipation Remedies - Part II

Rudy Silva gives you more free constipation information. Go get his free "Constipation Secrets 10 Week Course" to discover how to get rid of Constipation: Constipation Remedies Go here for more free tips: Constipation

Apples - Good For Your Teeth?

Everyone has heard the adage that "an apple away keeps the doctor away." What many don't realize is that an apple a day might also keep the dentist away.

Apples are an exceptionally beneficial food for people to eat. They are sweet which makes them not hard to eat and there are enough varieties available that people can find one that fits the size of apple they're looking for. In addition, they contain a variety of vitamins and nutrients that people need to be healthy.


In addition to their basic health benefits, they have numerous dental benefits. Apples are a mildly acidic fruit. Because of their slightly astringent quality, they are an ideal food for cleansing and brightening teeth. The acidic nature of an apple is not enough to make a person's teeth pearly white. The acid needs the help of the fiber-rich flesh of the apple.

Crunchy foods, including apples, celery, and carrots, act like mini toothbrushes when they are chewed. The crunchy bits actually help scrub away stubborn stains. This does not happen in a day but will take a while. The cleansing effect may be noticeable, even if it's very slight, particularly if the apple eater is a coffee drinker who hadn't been eating apples every day to begin with.

Eating an apple a day as a between meal snack is also an excellent way to stave off hunger. The large amount of fiber in an apple takes a long time to digest so a person feels full longer. This, in turn, leads to less snacking in general which can have a benefit for a person's waist line. Also, not snacking reduces the amount of sugars found on the teeth.

After eating an apple, it's still important to brush your teeth. The apples still have sugar and acid in them which can damage the teeth. Leaving the sugar and acid on the teeth will reverse the benefits that eating an apple gave the teeth. Also, it's a good idea to brush away the loosened plaque from the teeth so that it cannot become reattached to the teeth. If a tooth brush is not available after an apple, rinsing the apple down with some water may be the next best thing.

So in addition to providing numerous health benefits to the body, apples provide dental benefits. If you would like more information on apples and other foods that are very good for teeth, please visit

Apples - Good For Your Teeth?

Joseph Devine

An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away - Facts About Apples

Did you know - that the popular saying "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" came from the old English saying "To eat an apple before going to bed will make the doctor beg his bread"?

Apples are members of the rose family. There are over 7,500 varieties grown throughout the world. About a hundred different varieties are grown commercially in the United States. Some of the most common types are Red and Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Gala, Fiji, Mclntosh and Rome.


Apples originally came from an area between the Caspian and Black Seas around 6500 B.C. Apples were a favorite food of ancient Greeks and Romans. The Romans brought the apple to England and the English introduced it to North America. Today Americans consume, on average, about twenty pounds of apples per year per person.

Where Are Apples Grown?

China is the world's largest producer. The United States, Turkey, Poland and Italy follow respectively. Apples are commercially grown in thirty-five of the fifty United States, with Washington and New York leading in production.

Why Should I Eat Apples?

If you are going to eat an apple, you should eat every part of it but the core. Almost half of the vitamin C content is just underneath the skin. Apples are rich in fiber, a source of both soluble and insoluble fiber. Over two-thirds of the fiber and almost all of the antioxidants are found in the peel. Apples are a rich source of phytochemicals such as phenoylics (chlorogenic acid and catechin), carotenoids such as beta-carotene, and flavonoids including phloridzin and quercetin (which may play a role in fighting cancer and heart disease).

Apples are believed to help with stomach aches and are eaten to relieve constipation. Apple cider vinegar is used to help treat heartburn. As the story goes, if you rub a piece of an apple on a wart and bury the piece in the ground, the wart will disappear as the apple rots. Apples have been given to unmarried couples, teachers and friends as good luck charms to drive away bad spirits and bad luck.

Health Benefits Of Apples

Heart Health: Two apples a day may help keep heart disease at bay! Researchers found that for every ten grams of fiber added to the diet, there is a 14 per cent reduction in heart disease. A medium apple contains five grams of fiber. Another group of researchers followed men at risk for heart disease for five years. They found that the flavonoids and antioxidants in the apple skin peel may contribute to a decreased risk of developing heart disease.

Cancer: A rat study showed that the more apples they ate, the less mammary tumor growth there was. In one human cell study, apples appeared to protect cells by halting signals that cause the cancerous cells to form. In another study of human colon cancer cells, flavonoids, associated with apples, inhibited the growth and spread of the cancerous cells.

Weight Loss: A study conducted by researchers from the State University of Rio de Janeiro found that overweight women who added three apples a day to their low-fat diet lost more weight than those women who did not add in apples.

Brain Health: A 2005 animal study found that eating apple products may help protect against cellular damage attributed to memory loss. In another animal study, this time with mice, researchers added apple juice concentrate to their diet. The results showed that the juice concentrate prevented an increase in oxidative damage to brain tissue and decline in cognitive performance.

Diabetes: Diabetics who consumed apples had smaller spikes in glucose after eating, perhaps due to their soluble fiber content.

Tips on Using Apples

  • Choose apples with firm, undented, shiny skin.
  • Keep apples in the refrigerator after purchasing because apples ripen six to eight times faster at room temperature.
  • Bruised or rotten apples give off a gas that promotes ripening of fruits, which may cause spoilage of other foods.
Preparation And Serving Suggestions:

If you are not going to use cut apples right away, squeeze some time, lemon or orange juice on them to prevent browning.

  • Raw apples are great for a snack and in salads.
  • Apples can be baked in pies and tarts or pureed into apple sauce.
  • Golden Delicious, Granny Smith and Rome are best for baking. The best salad apples are Red Delicious, Golden Delicious and Fiji.
  • Golden Delicious apples are an all-purpose apple and may be used for many cooking methods.

An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away - Facts About Apples

Michelle has been a nutritional consultant for 11 years and has been writing articles to help people protect and enhance their health for nearly 4 years now. Michelle has also discovered that nutrition is vital as part of a detox diet if you are looking at how to detox your body.

What Are the Most Popular Types of Apples?

Depending on your tastes, you will like a certain apple more than others. Here is a breakdown of the most popular ones which is mostly eaten by Britains, based on consumption.

1. Pink Lady
Pink Lady, or Cripps Pink, is a modern day (fully marketed) apple. Its taste is crunchy and juicy, which is maintained by a very high quality assurance checking programme which ensures the said fruit meet a certain criteria to be sold as pink lady apples.


2. Granny Smith
Australia's most famous export of the said fruit, the Granny Smith Apple is widely recognised all over the world for its juicy, strong flavour. The granny smith apple was one of the earliest apples to be exported globally, due to its hard skin and long lasting life.

3. Cox
The Cox is a very English Apple. The most striking thing about the cox apple is its colour. The red and yellow colour is unique to the cox and is something which apple farmers have tried to marry with other types of apples. The cox apple taste is a subtle one, slightly sweet but very light on the tongue.

4. Red Delicious
The Red Delicious is a very dry tasting apple, originating from America. At first very juicy, the apple is very dry and always comes in a very deep red colour. The texture is very soft, and these apples (if left out) rot very quickly.

5. Golden Delicious
Golden Delicious is considered the every day apple, loved by supermarkets and bought by thousands as a safe bet every day. The taste is slightly juicy, but quite sweet. Because of the sweet nature of the apple, it is commonly used for cooking desserts and other dishes, complimenting stronger flavours which require toning down.

What Are the Most Popular Types of Apples?

Fruit 4 London offer fruit baskets delivered to office and homes across London. If you are interested in this or office fruit delivery contact us now.

How to Get Rich in Stocks Without Losing Money

Learning how to get rich in the stock market is not really a difficult task. It requires a well thought-out game plan followed by your very own blueprint. Are you aware that corporations use stocks as a hedge against difficult economic times and corporate losses?s It is pretty much the same way oil companies use oil futures contracts to offset rising oil prices. Now can you see why oil companies still make a hefty profit regardless how high the oil prices are. The same principle is applied to stocks too. Getting rich in stocks require you to think like a corporate executive in terms of providing insurance for his company. Stocks are in essence insurance.

Should You Hire An Investment Company To Assist You In Your Stock Purchases?


It really depends on how much time you have. Most people with hectic lifestyles do not have the patience and time to really analyze stock market companies. So they leave everything up to their broker or investment adviser. But let me advise you some caution before you proceed with those steps. Not having a clear objective in mind for your investment adviser can result in losses.

Tip No. 1: Find Out What Industry Is Booming

You can ask your investment adviser to alert you to rising industries. Please do not ask for name of companies for these rising industries because there are so many of them and you do not want to rely on the opinion of your adviser. You need to do the research yourself. Your investment adviser is supposed to provide you with the necessary information through press releases and announcements, and financial news and reports that will enable you to make an educated decision on what companies to invest in your quest to get rich in the stock market.

Tip No. 2: Find Out What Is The Average Rate Of Return On Investment In Such Growth Industries

Your Investment broker should be able to provide you with an approximate rate of return that you can get for investing in certain industries. For example, you need to learn how to analyze the long term graphical price charts of companies in this booming industry that date back to at least 5 years. Stocks tend to follow a trend. If they are on the rise, they tend to stay on the rise.

Tip No. 3: Find Out How These Companies Are Staying Ahead Of Their Competition

Great companies always watch their expenses and are on the cutting edge of marketing effectively. Stock market mogul Warren Buffet have emphasized the importance of looking for undervalued companies with explosive growth potential. He is basically referring to exceptionally excellent company management and leadership backed by sound economic and money management principles. Great leadership in an organization is crucial to the sustaining growth of a company. Want proof?

When Steve Jobs was ousted by Apple's board of directors back in 1985, Apple stocks plummeted sharply and the company was suffering huge losses. He went out to start two great companies on his own that turned into profit. Apple board of directors realized the mistakes of their actions and begged Steve to return to Apple. Now look where Apple is today. This is proof that great companies require exceptionally unique leadership qualities in order to sustain their growth.

How to Get Rich in Stocks Without Losing Money

Learning how to get rich in stocks requires a strict business mindset. If you want learn about another exceptionally great way on how to get a better return on your investment in a legitimate home based business, please visit my website How To Get Rich Legally In Today's Global Economy. Please scroll down to watch the video presentation and register for the webinar to get your questions answered by the CEO of this profitable company.

Billy Ying Ching is a home business consultant and mentor who specializes in providing serious entrepreneurs the necessary survival skills in internet marketing, copy writing, blogging, WordPress web design, and telephone prospecting to build a profitable online business in your target market.

Can I Put Apple's iPhone4S Siri Features on My Regular iPhone 4?

You are probably wondering if you can get Siri voice command on your regular iPhone 4 rather than upgrading to an iPhone 4S, especially considering the reality that the 4S has sold out, waiting lists grow, and you were not in the long-line on opening day to get yours.

There was an interesting article in Technorati recently titled "Apple In Trouble: Hackers Successfully Ported Siri to the iPhone 4" by Salman Khan published on October 15, 2011. The article stated:


"Siri is Apple's new innovation and creativity. It's a new application added for iPhone 4s and a new way to control the iPhone with voice commands. Siri takes voice commands, you can ask Siri anything you want. Two Days earlier, the Apple Dev Team announced that porting Siri to the iPhone 4, can't port Siri without stealing some copyrighted files from the iPhone 4s. "The unique selling point of iPhone 4s is Siri and has a processor that's 2X's faster than the iPhone 4. If developers can exploit or hack Siri and place it on the iPhone 4, it could reduce the sale of 4S."

This tells me that Siri is basically an APP, not a new feature or technological breakthrough, just software, and if it runs on the so-called slower processor, then why does one need a 4S phone for something like that? It appears that Apple may have over-embellished the hype once again, in order to stay on the hyperbolic inflection point turn-off to keep redlining revenues. Apparently, Apple sold 1 million iPhone 4S models on the first day and 4 million over the first weekend.

In fact, there were wide spread outages on the "set-up" servers for those registering their new 4S phones, as no company has ever sold that many handsets in a day or weekend. The Wall Street Journal reported this in an article titled; "Softbank Server Glitch Damps iPhone 4S Launch," published on October 14, 2011 - the day the Apple 4S iPhones became available. MacRumors Online also had an article; "AT&T Activation Servers Overloaded with iPhone 4S Launch," also on October 14, by Arnold Kim.

Okay so, Apple's big announcement coinciding with Steve Jobs death had everyone waiting in line at Apple Stores across the nation for the iPhone 4S with an abundance of fanfare, but when iPhone users discover that they could have merely added an APP and thus, had the Siri features anyway, it will turn off many, even highly-sophisticated brand loyalists.

Now then, the company will most likely tell us that without the iPhone 4S processing speed, the Siri system won't work as well - which may be true since voice software is a processing hog, but will that explanation be enough to satisfy the iPhone 4S upgraders who spent big bucks to stay on the leading edge of Apple's technology, or will they be completely turned off and feel burned?

Well, to answer the question, yes, you can get Siri on your regular iPhone 4 and there should be instructions online on how to do this, which may or may not void your iPhone 4 warranty, and it may not work 100% as good as it might on the iPhone 4S or maybe it will, that remains a question. Still, I ask, why didn't Apple merely allow Siri as an APP or a software upgrade for a small one-time price, rather than using it as a reason to buy a newer model? Does Apple think everyone is stupid, that we are all dumb consumers serving their will? Maybe we are, maybe Apple is right, you decide. Please consider all this.

*In full-disclosure - this author owns NO Apple Products, and is not a brand loyalist of Apple, and believes their products are overpriced, over-hyped, and too trendy.

Can I Put Apple's iPhone4S Siri Features on My Regular iPhone 4?

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Future Concepts. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

What Do Rats Eat?

Rats eat a wide variety of food. They have voracious appetites and will eat almost anything. They are true omnivorous scavengers, but mostly prefer grain, livestock feed, and meat. Rats have also been known to eat soap, leather, furs, candy, milk, meat, vegetables, poultry, eggs, grain, seeds, fruit, nuts, snails and other rodents. A rat can eat a third of its body weight each day. The rat's main important consumption is water, as it cannot survive long without it. Rats need 1/2 to 1 ounce of water daily.

Two main types of rats, brown rats and black rats eat about the same things. But there are slight differences in preferences between the two. Brown rats or Norway rats eat nearly any type of food, but they prefer high-quality foods such as meat and fresh grain. These rats require 1/2 to 1 fluid ounce of water daily when feeding on dry food. Rats have keen taste, hearing, and sense of smell.


Roof rats or black rats generally prefer vegetables, fruits and grain, and consume 1/2 to 1 ounce food per day from various sources. They do not readily accept meat or fish. They like cereal grains, chopped apples, sweet potatoes, melons, prunes, pineapple, cookies, doughnuts, sweet chocolate candy, peanut butter, and tomatoes. They also consume an ounce of water per day.

Rats are nutritionally a little better than mice. Unlike the mouse that nibbles a little at a time, rats eat much more food in one sitting. Like mice, rats can live in freezers and they love to eat frozen food.

Rats have a habit of gnawing when they eat. Their chewing ability helps them to chew and gnaw through almost anything. They gnaw anything softer than their teeth. They gnaw papers, clothes, wood, plastics, water pipes, electric cables and other building materials. Their habit of gnawing causes immense damage to mankind such as fires, power shortages and flooding.

What Do Rats Eat?

Rats provides detailed information on Rats, Rat Terrier, Pet Rats, Rat Snake and more. Rats is affiliated with Electronic Pest Control.

Foods That Burn Fat Fast - 7 Fat Burning Foods

"Give me a list of foods that burn fat fast" is a very common asked question on different weight loss and diet forums. But is the idea that food can burn fat actually true.

What are fast burning foods?


You know already if we eat more calories than our body can burn we gain weight.

It's true that certain foods will boost your metabolism but only if you eat them as a part of a effective diet and weight loss programme.

Fat burning foods.

Fat burning food #1: Apples:

Do you remember the old saying "An apple a day keeps the doctor away".

Well not only a doctor but also the extra pounds as well.

Apples contain the highest percentage of pectin, this is a soluble fiber.
There was an interesting study in Brazil about weight loss and apples .

2 groups of dieters were getting exactly the same amount of calories but with one exception.

One group was getting an apple before each meal. And this group lost 33% more in weight.

Fat burning food #2: Garlic:

Garlic is one of the most effective fat burning foods.

It contains the compound allicin which has anti bacterial effects and helps reduce cholesterol and unhealthy fats.

Fat burning food #3 Tomatoes:

Tomatoes is very effective to add on your diet. Not only are they good in your battle against overweight but they are also an excellent prevention against cancers and high blood pressure.

Fat burning food #4 Carrots:

Adding a carrot to the beginning of every meal is a very effective way to lose weight. Why do you ask? The carrot leaves no room in the stomach for the dessert.
When using this trick you should been able to lose about a pound in one week.

Fat burning food # 5: Oranges

Oranges are rich in Vitamin C and they have fat burning properties.
Compared with exercises they are an effective way to lose fat.

Fat burning food # 6: Mangoes

Mangoes are full packed with fiber and are low in calories.

Fat burning food #7: Spinach.

Popey gets his strength by eaten spinach and yes they are very healthy. Spinach contains a lot of iron; it is an exceptional nutrition food and is a good prevention against cancer.

Please keep in mind that this list is not completed. A good way to lose fat with eating is food rich in fibres, low calories and food that gives your stomach a feeling of being fulfilled.

I hope you have enjoyed the list of 7 fat burning foods.

Foods That Burn Fat Fast - 7 Fat Burning Foods

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The Red Baby Carriage of GaneiI Tal

In the distance clouds of dust and debri billow upward as a bulldozer rips into a building that was once part of the former township of Ganei Tal. In the foreground of the same picture stands an empty, abandoned, little red baby carriage.

This haunting picture was posted on the Jerusalem World Review website, August 23, 2005, along with the article, Displaced Gazan Jews Struggle To Come to Grips With Surrender, by Joel Greenberg.


The communities of Gaza and the Northern Shomron have been emptied of all Israeli families. There are no more infants in carriages, or children playing in the streets. Although there is pain and many tears, fond memories and strong determination remain in the hearts of the uprooted settlers.

But, the lonely, abandoned, red baby carriage stands as a reminder that, although now empty, Jewish families will return to Ganei Tal, and indeed to all the communities of Gaza, and the Northern Shomron.

The baby carriage is red, the color of the price of redemption. Therefore, the little baby carriage represents the generation of divine deliverance and salvation for the entire Israeli nation.

Yes, even the young children were forced out of their homes by the misguided, cruel, faithless, human Israeli government decree. But there is a greater edict of blessing already promised by the L-rd G_D of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The families, including the children of those now removed, will return in absolute victory over their enemies, to live forever in Gaza and the Shomron, and Jews will dwell securely throughout all the Land of Covenant. Israeli families will build houses and plant gardens, and no one else will live in the homes they have built, or make their communities desolate, or take over their agriculture and businesses.

Psa 128:1 Blessed is every one that feareth the L_RD; that walketh in his ways.

Psa 128:2 For thou shalt eat the labour of thine hands: happy shalt thou be, and it shall be well with thee.

Psa 128:3 Thy wife shall be as a fruitful vine by the sides of thine house: thy children like olive plants round about thy table.

Psa 128:4 Behold, that thus shall the man be blessed that feareth the L_RD.

Psa 128:5 The L_RD shall bless thee out of Zion: and thou shalt see the good of Jerusalem all the days of thy life.

Psa 128:6 Yea, thou shalt see thy children's children, and peace upon Israel.

Psa 103:13 Like as a father pitieth his children, so the L_RD pitieth them that fear him.

Psa 103:14 For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust.

Psa 103:15 As for man, his days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth.

Psa 103:16 For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone; and the place thereof shall know it no more.

Psa 103:17 But the mercy of the L_RD is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness unto children's children;

Psa 103:18 To such as keep his covenant, and to those that remember his commandments to do them.

Eze 37:25 And they shall dwell in the land that I have given unto Jacob my servant, wherein your fathers have dwelt; and they shall dwell therein, even they, and their children, and their children's children for ever: and my servant David shall be their prince for ever.

Eze 37:26 Moreover I will make a covenant of peace with them; it shall be an everlasting covenant with them: and I will place them, and multiply them, and will set my sanctuary in the midst of them for evermore.

Eze 37:27 My tabernacle also shall be with them: yea, I will be their G-d, and they shall be my people.

Eze 37:28 And the heathen shall know that I the L_RD do sanctify Israel, when my sanctuary shall be in the midst of them for evermore.

Psa 105:4 Seek the L_RD, and his strength: seek his face evermore.

Psa 105:5 Remember his marvellous works that he hath done; his wonders, and the judgments of his mouth;

Psa 105:6 O ye seed of Abraham his servant, ye children of Jacob his chosen.

Psa 105:7 He is the L_RD our G-d: his judgments are in all the earth.

Psa 105:8 He hath remembered his covenant for ever, the word which he commanded to a thousand generations.

Psa 105:9 Which covenant he made with Abraham, and his oath unto Isaac;

Psa 105:10 And confirmed the same unto Jacob for a law, and to Israel for an everlasting covenant:

Psa 105:11 Saying, Unto thee will I give the land of Canaan, the lot of your inheritance:

Psa 105:12 When they were but a few men in number; yea, very few, and strangers in it.

Psa 105:13 When they went from one nation to another, from one kingdom to another people;

Psa 105:14 He suffered no man to do them wrong: yea, he reproved kings for their sakes;

Psa 105:15 Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.

The little red baby carriage represents innocence and purity. When the chosen nation turns wholeheartedly to the L_RD in truth and repentance, the Land will be restored to those who are pure before G-d. It is interesting to note that there has been a spiritual awakening sweeping among those who dwell in Gaza and the Shomron, and it is spreading quickly to the IDF soldiers, the police, and many citizens of the nation. Folk have found themselves embraced togther, praying and studying Torah like never before! If there is one positive that has arisen out of this whole Withdrawal, it has been a spiritual re-kindling -- not just religious observance, but heart-felt awareness that HaShem indeed is the L-rd G_D of Israel!

Many have been seeking G-d for a miracle. That miracle is indeed coming to pass! We must be careful not to miss, or dismiss, this miracle. The miracle is the return of the hearts of the people to the L_RD! When this miracle is brought to completion, the Land will be restored! The miracle is an ever increasing wave sweeping through all the generations now alive in Israel, from the eldest to the youngest!

Gaza will be restored to Israel when Moshiach comes, and that day is quickly drawing near. Scripture appears to indicate the redemption of the Land will be fulfilled during the third generation from the founding of the present nation. Those who founded Israel in 1948 are now grandparents. Their children, the generation of the 1967 Six Day War, are the parents of a third generation of youth and young adults. These children are now entering the age of marriage, and many are beginning to have young families of their own, and are entering into the fabric of life in Israel. These, along with their parents and grandparents, will see the redemption of Israel! Then, the little ones now being born will re-enter Gaza, and all the Land of Covenant! All these generations together will witness and experience the blessings of the Everlasting Covenant G-d made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob!

When is this prophetic fulfillment of the Land Covenant to transpire? In Psalm 105, verses 11, and 12, King David indicated all will finally come to fruition during a time when, even though Israel exists as a nation, many Jews still live in Diaspora, "strangers" still dwell in the land, and during a time-frame when Israel's enemies are seeking to "touch" G-d's anointed nation, and to harm G-d's prophets according to verse 13. That sounds like a description of the current Israeli demographic!

The warning to Israel's enemies, and the nations, is in the imperative tense, implying "Don't touch my anointed people or prophets, or else!" That smacks of judgment upon any nation or individuals who are desirous of tearing Israel apart. The time of G-d's wrath will now come about, because the nations, and Israel's enemies are "touching" G-d's anointed! Even Israel will be disciplined, because Israel's leadership has also "touched" the innocent anointed G-d fearing Jewish

Why has the L_RD allowed the Withdrawal, rather than intervening in answer to the many prayers that have gone up? The L_RD must deal with Israel's enemies, and at the same time draw Israel, which still has a strong influential secular faction, back to Himself. This is part of the redemption process for Israel, and for the Land of Covenant. Israel's enemies, and Israel as a nation, are about to encounter the outstretched Hand of the L_RD for what they have now done in dividing the Land! Israel will now come face to face with HaShem, and be brought to humility and complete repentance. And, although this will come about through the rigors of discipline, it will also result in great blessing!

Also, the Temple must soon be built, which means Israel's enemies who occupy the Temple Mount must be ousted, not by radicals or terrorists, but by the direct intervention of the L_RD. That scenario is now due to unfold, because the focus of all nations is being drawn, whether we like it or not, toward Jerusalem and Mount Zion. Joel 2: 32. "And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the L_RD shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the L_RD hath said, and in the remnant whom the L_RD shall call."
This is to be fulfilled during the time-frame when all nations are brought into the Middle East regarding the "parting of my land" according to Joel chapter 3. The
division of the Land is the catalyst. That catalyst has now come about!

Redemption requires sacrifice. Sacrifice is not without loss of personal gain. Is the Withdrawal part of this sacrifice and pain for Israel? It very well may be! Why? Because Israel must be brought to rely upon G_d alone! It is apparent only He can turn the entire situation around. The redemption of Israel is now on the path toward fruition!

The Withdrawal is not the beginning of the end for Israel. Israel will not be "driven into the sea!" From our perspective, the Withdrawal is an apparent set-back, but perhaps the L_RD allowed it to cause the hearts of the nation to examine their spiritual condition, and to realize that salvation does not come about because of man's decrees or decisions, but is solely dependent upon the L_RD, the Redeemer of Israel!

Man's attempt to solve the Palestinian situation through concessions and retreat has, and will, prove futile. The man-made red carriage sits, forlorn, in the midst of desolation and destruction. It is not able to carry the children safely anymore, but has been left behind, intact, but empty and abandoned.

The L_RD, the Redeemer of Israel, will not put Israel into a man-made carriage. Rather, He will sweep Israel into His strong everlasting arms, and will lovingly,
even through the midst of distress, carry the sons and daughters of Jacob to their inheritance.

Isa 40:9 O Zion, that bringest good tidings, get thee up into the high mountain; O Jerusalem, that bringest good tidings, lift up thy voice with strength; lift it up, be not afraid; say unto the cities of Judah, Behold your G_d!

Isa 40:10 Behold, the Lord G_D will come with strong hand, and his arm shall rule for him: behold, his reward is with him, and his work before him.

Isa 40:11 He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with

Such appears to be the message of the red baby carriage of Ganei Tal!!

The Red Baby Carriage of GaneiI Tal

Maureen Metcalf is author of "The Final Schedule Revealed: In the Fall Feasts and Festivals"

Everything You Must Know About Acai Berry Side Effects

The only known side effect of Acai berry is ability to reduce appetite. However, this isn't actually a bad Acai berry side effect because this will really promote weight loss. This super fruit, with its overpowering vitamins and minerals, can help an individual shed weight particularly people who are fat and fat and this is extremely good for our health.
Acai berry contains a lot of fiber, that might cause some hard stools if you already take in plenty of fiber-rich food in your diet ( beans, fruit, whole grains, and vegetables ). Otherwise, if you need a good fiber-rich supplement to boost your digestion, then Acai is a good option to try.

When you take a standard quantity of Acai you will notice a uplifting energy boost like the consequences of drinking one cup of coffee or having a cup of tea. However if you unwisely take too much Acai, it's the same as having too many cups of coffee. Although Acai berry has a positive health benefit for helping you sleep sounder, taking too much can have a reverse effect and interrupt your sleep and keep you over stimulated.


The main side effect which has been found is loss of appetite. Acai suppresses the diet of the person. However, if you include Acai berries in your weight-loss program, they can work wonders for you, since they can look after the unwished-for or junk food that you eat. If you're trying to increase your weight, then in case you are underweight, Acai berry is clearly not especially good for you.

One of the most important advantages to many people is that Acai berries and supplements that contain it give you more energy. It has got many vitamins and minerals that help in promoting good health and permit the body to function better. The same qualities of the Acai berry that help improve energy also help improve stamina and allow you to feel good for a longer time period. It also contains many antioxidants that help to manage the degradation of body cells and help you to feel better.

Fast weight loss is the major Acai berry side effect from colon cleansing diets. This is a benefit for the many yet excessive weight loss is healthy. This is essentially to the diuretic effect of the diet as it flushes toxins and other damaging substances out of the body. Fitness gurus always stress the general public that rapid weight loss mustn't be thought about as the primary inducement in advocating colon cleans diet.

There are some things that can be viewed like a side effect. And that's the suppression of appetite.

Some Acai berry products contain guarana, an ingredient commonly mixed with carbonated soft drinks, energy shots and herbal tea in Brazil. The sole slightly bed side effect that it has would be that it suppresses the hunger. Acai berry additions effectively help in enlarging the rate of metabolism of the body that makes sure the efficient consuming fat and calories stored in the body.
This Brazilian fruit helps remove deadly toxins from your system, so you won't only lose weight but you will be free from illnesses, cancers, as well as stop the aging process.

Everything You Must Know About Acai Berry Side Effects

Pete Boyd reviews many dietary additions in his course of business. Pete's goal is to provide fair reviews to help the general public make informed buying choices. Dietary supplements can be safe, effective, and be a good alternative option to modern drugs with complications. Pete has reviewed acai berry side effects products as part of his ongoing series of evaluations, and hopes you can get benefits from his review. Acai berry side effects are minimal.