Ideas For Sunday School - How to Get Your Students Excited About Learning

Children's church is the place for young people to join together and, under your wise guidance, learn about their religion. After conducting youth ministry for a significant period of time, it can become daunting coming up with new ideas for Sunday school. Here are some Bible activities that can help to spice up your lessons.

What is Goodness Sunday School Activity

\"apple Tree\"

This Bible lesson for kids reinforces the idea that God gives us the power to live through Jesus every day. First, have your students sit in a semi-circle and place a whiteboard in front of the group. Explain that this lesson will focus on one of God's greatest characteristics: His goodness.

Ideas For Sunday School - How to Get Your Students Excited About Learning

Ask your students to come up with other words meaning the same thing as "goodness" or "good." Either have a volunteer write these words on the whiteboard, or write each word yourself. Some common words that may come up include: honorable, super, excellent, wonderful, fantastic, marvelous, etc.

After your class has come up with a good amount of words, share the dictionary definition of "goodness" with them:

1. Excellence
2. Benevolence: being good to others
3. Morally good: be good
4. That which is desirable

Ask your students which of the definitions best describe God (the answer is mainly #1 and #4). Now continue to bring up God's goodness throughout that day's Sunday school curriculum.

Garden of Eden Bible Lesson

This is a creative and simple Bible craft that will get your kids excited. First, tell your children the story of Adam and Eve, and then focus on creating a garden of Eden with this craft.

Hand out a piece of construction paper to each child, and provide each group of children with finger paints. Explain that it's the kids' chance to show what they think the garden of Eden looked like. Encourage them to draw trees (particularly an apple tree), a serpent, the sun, grass, flowers, clouds, etc. At the end of the Bible lesson, your kids will have a great picture to take home to the rest of their family!

These are just two Sunday school ideas that are sure to excite your class, getting them more interested in learning about the teachings of the Bible.

Ideas For Sunday School - How to Get Your Students Excited About Learning

Mary-Kate Warner is the publisher of Christianity Cove, the web's #1 resource for ideas for Sunday School.

Visit her website today for a free Sunday School teaching video: